Freckled Bloom Flower Farm

Farming has always been near and dear to me as my mother and father’s families have been farming for decades, and the spectrum has been broad (strawberries, potatoes, watermelons, alfalfa, corn, wheat, peaches, cherries, apples, pears, and the list goes on).  Growing up my jobs on the farm ranged from taking soil samples, picking weeds, swathing hay, to driving a ten-wheeler potato truck.  At the time these experiences made me run towards something different, but I soon came to realize my time on the farm would become the foundation to everything I would do moving forward.

After leaving the farm and going on to college, my path led me to pursue a career in health care.  Despite having a completely different career path than farming, it always found a way back into my life.  My time off of work would involve growing flowers and vegetables, and going back home to help when I could.  The farm soon became a special place for me, and I knew somehow I would go back to agriculture one day.  In college I met my husband, who had a family history of farming as well – Christmas Trees.  So when we got married I became a farmer again 😊. 


While experimenting with my own yard, I would reminisce about the memories I shared in the garden with my mother and Grandma Kahler, and my interest in different flowers grew.  As each season passed, my little garden squeezed in between Christmas Trees became larger and larger.  I soon became interested in all the different plants, and my free time (although small) was filled with learning more about the various flowers I could grow.  Each season I would try to grow something new, and share my harvest with friends and family.  When COVID-19 flipped our worlds upside down, I found the greatest peace in my garden pulling weeds and cultivating beauty thru flowers.  It was the moment that I decided I needed to share this beauty and happiness with others, and thus Freckled Bloom Flower Farm was born!


There are those that will say – flowers die in a vase, why waste your money?  Think of it this way…. everything has a beginning and an end, and it’s the in between that really matters.  It is the joy one discovers when designing their own bouquet or how receiving a beautiful arrangement can turn a moment into one that is truly remembered!  The joy starts with the person planting the seed, babying that seedling until it can go into the garden, and caring for it until it reaches its last owner.  Flowers give hope, happiness, and beauty.